Business Book

Business books are a great source of knowledge from others that have been in the trenches building enterprises. I love classic texts that are used in MBA classes as well as modern “self-help” style books that help people solve their problems. I try to read at least one business book each month, rotating between the styles and formats. I even have a book club, Bette’s Business Book Club that meets monthly on Zoom, as we all read a business book and get together to discuss it. Even if you haven’t read the book, we’d love to have you join our video conference to ask questions of those of us that have.

Business Book: Start With Why

Learning from the experiences of others is one of the best ways to advance your knowledge quickly. Many of us stop reading and learning when we are no longer in school, which causes us to stagnate. By learning from others, we gain some of the benefits of their experiences. There are many other avenues for acquiring this experience, including one-on-one coaching, seminars or webinars, conferences, audiobooks, podcasts or published interviews. However, I find the business book, either listened to as an audiobook or in the written form on paper or a kindle, is a fantastic way to acquire the knowledge quickly and easily.

I love to curl up on the couch on a Saturday morning with a cup of coffee and the lastest selection from my book club, often sitting there wish some sticky note tags to mark pages that I find inspirational. I love our monthly roundtable book club format, discussing the book with friends, clients, family, and people I’ve never met over the Internet.

I used to host book club in the coffee shop outside my Fort Lauderdale office, but during the COVID-19 shutdown, I moved it online to Zoom. It turned out to be more popular on Zoom, and the streaming to Facebook has been even more engaging. You can see our previous Book Club meetings on the website or Youtube, with our Business Book Club Playlist.

While the book club is a great accountability tool, I try to read other books that wouldn’t be as popular with my membership. We discuss our choices and recommendations in the Facebook Group, so if you’re interested please join us.

#DearIntern & Twitter

By |2021-08-09T16:23:46-04:00June 25th, 2021|Categories: Other Perspectives|Tags: , , , , |

Dear Intern is trending on Twitter, and for those who don't know, people are using it as an opportunity to share the embarrassing mistakes they've made while at work. Concerning the sheer amount of business books we've read at book club that emphasizes the importance of creating and learning from mistakes, I figured I'd share some of these tweets with you all. So let's take a look at this Social Media Round-Up.

Barking Up The Wrong Tree – Video

By |2021-06-17T17:01:55-04:00June 17th, 2021|Categories: Business Book Club|Tags: , , , , , , |

"Barking Up The Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong" by Eric Barker was June's Business Book. Join me and my fellow book club members as we discuss our key takeaways from "Barking Up The Wrong Tree," and let us know what you think in the comments. We concluded that this is one of our favorite book club books and that if you were going to read only one of our business books, Barking Up The Wrong Tree is the one you should read.

To Sell Is Human – Video

By |2021-05-27T20:00:03-04:00May 27th, 2021|Categories: Business Book Club|Tags: , , , |

To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others, by Daniel H. Pink, was May's Business Book.  Join me and my fellow book club members as we discuss our key takeaways from To Sell Is Human. We concluded that this is an excellent book for beginners because it summarizes many books we've read previously at Bette's Business Book Club. Watch our book club below and let us know what you think in the comment section. 

The Go-Giver – Video

By |2021-05-27T18:10:57-04:00April 23rd, 2021|Categories: Business Book Club|Tags: , , , , , |

"The Go-Giver: A Little Story About A Powerful Business Idea" by Bob Burg and John David Mann. This month's book club was inspiring because we were unexpectedly blessed with the presence of one of The Go-Giver's authors, John David Mann, and his wife, Ana. John David Mann reached out to us on Twitter after seeing one of our posts about book club and offered to come on.

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