

Arranging your affairs to minimize taxes can help you save money and build wealth. To help our clients, community, and fellow citizens maximize their opportunities, we started #TaxTipTuesday back in 2013, providing free tax tips on our website, Twitter, and our email newsletter. Over the years we have expanded to social media, providing information on all channels. Over the years other CPAs and tax firms started posting on #TaxTipTuesday, making this a movement.

We want you to save money, make better decisions, and build wealth. We try to put out our ideas for planning ahead to save on our taxes on #TaxTipTuesday! Follow our hashtag on Social Media, watch our Go Lives, and Subscribe to our Newsletter to get your #TaxTipTuesday in your life. Everyone wants to keep more of the money they earn, and there is no better way to do this than with free tax tips.

Newsletter subscribers get an email approximately once a week, sharing updates from the website and Bette’s insights in the current economic and political circumstances impacting small business owners. Subscription is free, and you can unsubscribe anytime.

#TaxTipTuesday provides regular tax tips, and is the most popular part of our newsletter. However, #FinanceFriday is the second most popular feature. However, as a CPA whose background is in taxation, we will always anchor our newsletter and social media with solid tax tips to help you.

Whether using retirement accounts, maximizing deductions, taking advantage of short term stimulus rules, or other areas of the tax code, #TaxTipTuesday will inform and entertain you.

Claiming Your Good Deeds: Charitable Donations and Your Taxes

By |2023-08-01T08:37:12-04:00August 1st, 2023|Categories: #TaxTipTuesday|Tags: , , |

For today's Tax Tip Tuesday, I will explain how charitable donations can impact your taxes and guide you through the process of claiming deductions, including essential documentation requirements.

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