Bette Hochberger, CPA, CGMA

Bette Hochberger, CPA, CGMA

About Bette Hochberger, CPA, CGMA

Bette is the founder of the firm that bears her name. After launching her career in private accounting with technology startups and nonprofits in Boston and Miami, she transitioned to Public Accounting at large regional firms. She founded her firm so she could focus on the needs of small business owners instead of chasing billable hours with large corporations.

Stimulus Check Was Never Received?

By |2021-05-03T22:02:02-04:00February 25th, 2021|Categories: Quickies with Bette|Tags: , , , , , , |

If you're one of the unfortunate souls who were qualified for a stimulus check but did not receive one or received less than you should've; worry no more! When you file your taxes this year, there will be a section just for you called the recovery rebate credit.

Outsourcing Accounting Video

By |2021-02-25T15:13:00-05:00February 23rd, 2021|Categories: Quickies with Bette|Tags: , , , , , , |

Today we will discuss how you can better enjoy your life by outsourcing accounting. Welcome to your Monday morning at Business Quickie with Bette. How can a service like outsource accounting help you enjoy your life? Well, I will tell you.

Taxes When Married

By |2021-05-12T23:30:25-04:00February 10th, 2021|Categories: #TaxTipTuesday|Tags: , , , , |

Valentine's Day is not that far off, so I figured what could be more romantic than a discussion about taxes. Maybe not actually the most romantic discussion, but marital strife around finances is one of the leading causes of divorce. So, even though it might not seem romantic, it could be super beneficial to your relationship if you actually go ahead and figure out how you want to file your taxes.

What You Should Know Before You Move To Florida.

By |2021-10-21T15:44:30-04:00February 4th, 2021|Categories: Quickies with Bette|Tags: , , , , , |

Did you move to Florida during the pandemic? Well, we see you and want to prepare you with some tips and tricks in regards to documenting your move so you can avoid those pesky state taxes.

PPP Second Draw

By |2021-03-01T22:08:15-05:00February 2nd, 2021|Categories: Deadlines and Updates, Deeper and Longer with Bette|Tags: , , |

Welcome back to Finance Friday. I've been getting a lot of questions about the PPP second draw by clients and business owners and lots of curious people so I figured it would be great to go over what the PPP second-draw looks like and try to answer some FAQs that I've been getting and explain a little bit about this program.

3 Things to Know Before You Outsource

By |2021-02-05T11:39:31-05:00January 27th, 2021|Categories: Quickies with Bette|Tags: , |

Today we're going to talk about three questions that you should ask before you decide to outsource. Now, I've spoken before about outsourcing, how great this can be, especially for smaller businesses, when you don't have time to do everything yourself. But you can't just hire anyone, right? That's a little risky. So, three things to ask before you say yes and sign a contract, or send them money, anything like that.

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