
Family is at the core of what we think of as Personal Finance. From our spouses, ex-spouses, children, and savings for their education and future, Family is one of the driving forces behind our economic and tax decisions.

The tax code dates from an era where a two parent, single breadwinner with a spouse that either has no outside the home earnings or limited earnings. The very concept of the “marriage penalty” was based on the idea that the tax brackets didn’t double for married people as two singles. For most people, getting married lowered their tax burden, but for similarly earning high income individuals, taxes went up upon marriage, making the tax brackets discouraging of family formation. This requires new tax planning strategies, and since the IRS looks to your state on December 31st, you may wish to review these personal finance assumptions prior to your wedding date.

In the 21st Century, the traditional assumption of family units may no longer handle the needs of all Americans. The very nature of a “taxpayer” and their “spouse” has certain dated connotations that reinforces the challenges that woman have in the financial industry.

One of the biggest challenges for family finances is the matter of paying for education for children. While financial aid has gotten more generous at private schools for lower income individuals, the economic squeeze of the past two decades has made it difficult for middle income families to put away sufficient savings despite the proliferation of 529 accounts.

The modern family is squeezed by increasing home prices, leading to higher mortgage payments even at low rates, and a job market where wages have barely budged for lower income families. This makes family oriented financial planning even more important. With longer life spans parents will likely be able to accumulate the wealth necessary, but not necessarily by the time their children go to college. Creating multi-generational tax planning will be critical for families to preserve and grow wealth in the decades to come.

Caring For Aging Family Members

By |2021-05-03T13:43:07-04:00May 3rd, 2021|Categories: #FinanceFriday|Tags: , , , , , |

Caring for aging family members and those with special needs is not something people are versed in discussing. However, Denise Lettau, Esq., is an expert in the field of caring for these family members and will help you draft the documents needed for executing the wishes of the family member.

Stimulus Money & Spending Habits

By |2021-04-15T10:22:07-04:00April 15th, 2021|Categories: Other Perspectives|Tags: , , , , , |

Stimulus money, stimulus checks, economic relief payments, no matter what you call it, you know that the world has been waiting for this money. Now, Coronavirus and its effect have been nothing short of devastating; however, I believe the only silver lining might be the stimulus checks. So far Americans, who are eligible, should have received three stimulus checks totaling $3200.00. With all this "unearned" money hitting our bank accounts, it begs the question, "What are people spending their Stimulus Checks on?" Well, I did some digging across Twitter and Tiktok and found some savvy spenders, some not-so-smart spenders, and some that made me laugh out loud. Let's take a look at this social media round-up. 

Taxes When Married

By |2021-05-12T23:30:25-04:00February 10th, 2021|Categories: #TaxTipTuesday|Tags: , , , , |

Valentine's Day is not that far off, so I figured what could be more romantic than a discussion about taxes. Maybe not actually the most romantic discussion, but marital strife around finances is one of the leading causes of divorce. So, even though it might not seem romantic, it could be super beneficial to your relationship if you actually go ahead and figure out how you want to file your taxes.

Taxpayers Claiming Education Credits Wait Until February To File

By |2021-03-17T10:27:59-04:00January 30th, 2013|Categories: Deadlines and Updates|Tags: , , , , |

If you are a taxpayer that claims one of the education tax credits- the American Opportunities Credit and the Lifetime Learning Credit- using Form 8863 you will need to wait until mid-February to file your return. 

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