Intuit’s Quickbooks was first released in 1983 as a primitive small business accounting package based on their virtual checkbook package Quicken, and In-House Accountant, a company they acquired.
Over the four decades of the Quickbooks brand, Intuit has evolved their software package into a serious general ledger, then the dominant small business accounting system in the world. The launched Quickbooks online for businesses moving to the cloud. Over the past few years, this has evolved from their secondary option to their primary platform, with new features almost exclusively on the online option with limited upgrades to the legacy desktop solution.
Bette has been working with Quickbooks since 2002, and has worked extensively with the various Windows, Mac, and Cloud based versions. Until 2020, we partnered with Swizznet to support Quickbooks Desktop on their Citrix based cloud infrastructure. As of 2020, we have moved all our clients to Intuit’s newer, Online Package, focusing on helping our clients take advantage of the cloud infrastructure and integration options.
There are now a myriad of small business general ledger options, and we are no longer limited to Quickbooks and Xero like we were a few years ago. As the market leader, Intuit’s offerings are the most common, and therefore the most transportable between accounting firms. With an obscure general ledger option, you may be limited in getting your books reviewed and your taxes may simply be based on the reports of your existing data. By utilizing a market leading solution, it is easy to find quality bookkeeping options. Quickbooks Online is at the center of our Starter Package and Profit First Offerings.