Bette Hochberger Inc

Posts about our company, Bette Hochberger, Inc., including new service offerings, announcements, or business changes. These posts are the most traditional “blog” posts, where we update when something happens on our website about our company.

When we add new areas to the website, we will often tag them as Bette Hochberger Inc, keeping them organized so we can find articles that are more “meta” about our firm and website. We will also include some information related to third party media coverage, Bette’s guest writing with third party publications, and information when our company is a charity sponsor or otherwise involved in the larger community.

3 Things to Know Before You Outsource

By |2021-02-05T11:39:31-05:00January 27th, 2021|Categories: Quickies with Bette|Tags: , |

Today we're going to talk about three questions that you should ask before you decide to outsource. Now, I've spoken before about outsourcing, how great this can be, especially for smaller businesses, when you don't have time to do everything yourself. But you can't just hire anyone, right? That's a little risky. So, three things to ask before you say yes and sign a contract, or send them money, anything like that.

Balance working ON and IN my business.

By |2021-03-02T12:00:26-05:00January 25th, 2020|Categories: Quickies with Bette|Tags: , , , |

Check out how I balance working on my business with working in my business. I wanted to talk about how I balance working on my business with working in my business. And for me, the easiest way I found to make sure that I'm consistently working on my business is I had to pick a day of the week and say, this is my day. It's not a client day, it's not a billable working day, it's a work on the business day, and for me, that day is Friday.

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