I am thrilled to be part of this fabulous group of professional women in Femfessionals Fort Lauderdale!
See the announcement in the CityBizList South Florida.
Femfessionals Adds New Board Members and Community Ambassadors | South Florida Citybizlist.
About Femfessionals and FemCity Ft. Lauderdale
Femfessionals connects ambitious professional women through “connection lunches,” original workshops, social media, and www.femfessionals.com, creating individual communities within cities (FemCities) around the world. A Femfessional is a savvy businesswoman characterized as positive, open-minded, driven, professional, ambitious, and desirous of forming strong strategic connections to benefit each other personally and professionally, and to the benefit of her community. Not only is she motivated to succeed, but she is also passionate about the success of others around her. For more information about Femfessionals, visit www.femfessionals.com For more information about FemCity Ft. Lauderdale, visit www.facebook.com/FemCityFtLaudy or @LauderFEMS on Twitter. – See more at http://southflorida.citybizlist.com/article/femfessionals-adds-new-board-members-and-community-ambassadors#sthash.hLW2RzZB.dpuf
Femfessionals connects ambitious professional women through “connection lunches,” original workshops, social media, and www.femfessionals.com, creating individual communities within cities (FemCities) around the world. A Femfessional is a savvy businesswoman characterized as positive, open-minded, driven, professional, ambitious, and desirous of forming strong strategic connections to benefit each other personally and professionally, and to the benefit of her community. Not only is she motivated to succeed, but she is also passionate about the success of others around her. For more information about Femfessionals, visit www.femfessionals.com For more information about FemCity Ft. Lauderdale, visit www.facebook.com/FemCityFtLaudy or @LauderFEMS on Twitter. – See more at http://southflorida.citybizlist.com/article/femfessionals-adds-new-board-members-and-community-ambassadors#sthash.hLW2RzZB.dpuf