Special needs planning is relatively new but Craig Eppy’s family firm, The Eppy Group, has been practicing special needs planning for over 30 years. Join us for this Finance Friday where Craig shares his well of knowledge with us.
Some background on Craig taken from The Eppy Group’s website is: “Craig Eppy is a graduate of the University of Central Florida with an academic background in business and finance and joined the family firm in 2012. Craig is a Registered Representative with both his series 6 and 215 licenses. He is dedicated to working with families, young professionals,, and special needs. He is adept in budgeting and cash flow techniques with the intent to help stabilize and increase savings.”
Special need planning is tricky because to keep the person with the trust qualified; they cannot have more than $2,000 in your account. The social security blue book guides these irrevocable trusts regarding eligibility. Craig explains that financial planning and special needs planning go hand and hand. It’s not only about the financial planning but also about signing the person with special needs up for social security benefits.
With this #FinanceFriday, we review third-party trusts and many misconceptions surrounding them. Craig enlightens us to the intense parameters needed to tap into all the benefits available. Craig reminds us that there is an insanely long waiting list, so the sooner you sign up for these, the better. Diagnosis is the first thing, and then acceptance of that diagnosis, then it’s time to talk about the future of their special needs benefits and planning. Craig shares so many fantastic stories throughout this Finance Friday and discusses his empathic personality, so be sure to check out the video above. Also, watch till the end to hear about Craig’s supernatural experiences and beliefs.
If you need help planning for a loved one with special needs, reach out to Craig. He has so much knowledge and is the best in the business backed by an incredible family team. I look forward to seeing you all next time.