Real Estate

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Real Estate, or physical property, is an extremely popular form of wealth building that has a elaborate area of the tax code managing it. Real Estate is the only area where “normal” people interact with things like depreciation and dealing with long term interest payments. From your family home through hotel chains, real estate governs a big swath of areas, with unique tax code rules governing it.

The Florida population is rapidly growing, resulting in ongoing construction at all times. With 1,000 people moving to Florida every day, it is impossible to address the needs of the South Florida Entrepreneur without addressing the local real estate market and how people will adjust to finding a home in their new state.

In 2021, we have been focusing a lot on these issues, and had a fantastic interview with South Florida Real Estate Saleswoman Sharon Brandt, and discussing with recent migrants to the greater Miami area coming from Canada, New York, California, and New Jersey.

With aggressively low mortgage rates, we are seeing home prices growing at a rapid clip. While Florida has bad memories of the real estate bubble, there is hope that this time is different, because the prices are going up by increased demand from people relocating instead of simply refinancing and taking cash out with minimal documentation.

When your housing influences everything from where your children get their education to your social circle and business opportunities, real estate is a critical component of the full personal finance picture for small business owners.

Investment Analysis Explained

By |2023-03-31T11:34:40-04:00March 21st, 2023|Categories: Quickies with Bette|Tags: , |

Today I will discuss a little about investment analysis and why it is best for real estate professionals. So, what is it? It's a process that helps evaluate investments, industry trends, and economic cycles; an essential tool for all real estate professionals. It helps them make informed decisions about real estate investments.

Qualifying for a Loan as an Entrepreneur

By |2022-10-03T17:17:39-04:00July 6th, 2022|Categories: #FinanceFriday|Tags: , , , , |

Hi, welcome to #FinanceFriday. My name is Bette Hochberger, CPA, CGMA, and on today's episode, we have the lovely Cheryl Euart with Community Lending Powered by Lower, LLC. NMLS ID #1668094 joining us to discuss how you, as an entrepreneur, can qualify for a home loan without a w-2. This week was a bit different because I am on my way to New Jersey to visit my family. One of the perks of working remotely and in a cloud-based business is that I have an excellent work-life balance.

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